Monday, June 30, 2008
feel my pain
Here are some pictures of my messed up toe. And these are all just from the top. The blisster and pain go all the way around to the bottom of my toe. So here is my gross pain!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008
more on toes
So something is way wrong with one of my toes. I have a massive blisster on the side of my big toe... the side of the toe that they didn't even work on... My toe is freaking huge. And it is also on the bottom on my toe so it makes it hard to walk. And on the outskirts of the blister its very sore, so I can't put any pressure on my toe at all. So I have to deal for the weekend and try to get ahold of my doctor on Monday. Hopefully it will get better soon, cause it is freaking me out!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
This week's SYTYCD
Okay, so this weeks SYTYCD... I will pick my two favorite dances and then get into the sad elimination. So my favorite dance was a hip hop dance, choreographed by Tabitha and Napolean. And it was danced by Chelsea and Mark. I really really love dances that have a story with them, they are the ones that seem to crab me the most. So the story was of a workaholic and his lover, whom didn't want him to leave beacuse he was always gone.
I just think that was so freakin awesome!!!! As for my second favorite. Well that was a harder choice. It came down to Kherington and Twitch, Katee and Joshua, or Kourtni and Matt. I think I was really captivated by Twitchington and Kourtni and matt so I'll show both. Twitchington danced hip hop. The video explains it all.
And Kourtni and Matt danced contempory.
So for some reason Kourtni and Matt were in the bottom 3, but I thought the dance was awesome!! The other couples in the bottom were Chelsea and Thayne, and Comfort and Chris. Out of all the routines Comfort and Chris did the worst, so I prepared myself for them to leave, but I wasn't fully correct. They sent home Chelsea, who I loved. I thought she got screwed with her dance draw this week and thats the only reason she got sent home. There are other girls who I would have rather seen come home before her. And as for the guys they sent home Chris, which I understood. I totally cried for this elimination.
I just think that was so freakin awesome!!!! As for my second favorite. Well that was a harder choice. It came down to Kherington and Twitch, Katee and Joshua, or Kourtni and Matt. I think I was really captivated by Twitchington and Kourtni and matt so I'll show both. Twitchington danced hip hop. The video explains it all.
And Kourtni and Matt danced contempory.
So for some reason Kourtni and Matt were in the bottom 3, but I thought the dance was awesome!! The other couples in the bottom were Chelsea and Thayne, and Comfort and Chris. Out of all the routines Comfort and Chris did the worst, so I prepared myself for them to leave, but I wasn't fully correct. They sent home Chelsea, who I loved. I thought she got screwed with her dance draw this week and thats the only reason she got sent home. There are other girls who I would have rather seen come home before her. And as for the guys they sent home Chris, which I understood. I totally cried for this elimination.
toes and crap
So What have I been up to? Well, I have tried to relax for a couple days, but it always seems that something comes up. Monday Abe had jury duty and then he had to go back a second day because they still hadn't picked the jurors for his case. He was going to have to go back a third day, but spoke with the attorneys personally and said why he wouldn't be right for this and they ended up dismissing him. Wednesday I had an appointment with my new foot doctor. I expected just an examine and then a reschedule, but nope. I had two ingrown toenails that were causing me problems and she wanted to fix it right then and there. I had to get 4 shots in each big toe, which was the worst part. Toes are extra sensitive and it is the worst place to get a shot. I felt like my toe was going to explode!! Then, of course, she cut out the sides of the toenails. I thought it was going to be no big deal, but it is worse than I thought. I can't get my feet wet for 2 weeks and I have to constantly have bandages on my toes. Right now, the bottom of my toes hurt, so it hurts to walk normal. So since I can't get my feet wet I have to keep them covered if I take a shower and the doctors office gave me one special foot cover thing that keeps water out. That's ONE, as in for just one foot! What am I suppose to do, have one foot hanging out the shower? I guess I will go to my old school cheapo plan. And that is to use wal-mart bags and rubber bands. lol.
Friday, June 20, 2008
This weeks favs on SYTYCD
So this week I thought many couples showed their weaker sides. My favorite dance was a Broadway routine danced by Katee and Joshua. It was awesome! Nigel went nuts for it and all the judges were giving a standing O to them. So here it is so you can enjoy it too.
This is my second favorite of the week. It is danced by Kherington and Twitch. Whom I totally love!!! They have been soo awesome so far. I was moved to tears. The backstory is that the choreographer Jean Marc made this routine "For his daughter who sadly lost motor skills she is only animated when she sees people dance". (
I like a few others, but these were this weeks standouts. And I also believed that the right people were sent home.
This is my second favorite of the week. It is danced by Kherington and Twitch. Whom I totally love!!! They have been soo awesome so far. I was moved to tears. The backstory is that the choreographer Jean Marc made this routine "For his daughter who sadly lost motor skills she is only animated when she sees people dance". (
I like a few others, but these were this weeks standouts. And I also believed that the right people were sent home.
So yesterday was the last day of my drawing class. It has kept me insanely busy, but I have gotten sooo much out of it. I do find it bitter sweet. I was totally ready for a break and ready to have time to get stuff done. And I was sooo stressed out in this class. But I really liked that I was pushed out of my comfort zone. I had to draw things that I didn't think I could, and when I finished a drawing I had such a great feeling of satisfaction! I have a lot of pictures to upload, but I quite frankly am tired and it may take me a couple days to get it done. My sleeping is all out of whack too. I stayed up until 5am working on my final drawing, sleep for maybe 3 hours, got up and cut the matte board and made touch up, and went to class. without ever eating either. Finally, when class was done I had a chance to eat and when I got home I tried to stay awake, but couldn't and fell asleep around 7pm... I think. But woke up at 11:30pm and couldn't get back to sleep. So now that its after 6am, I finally feel like I can get a little sleep. Btw, I did pretty good on my final, I'll post a pic soon. I got an A on it, so yay! He had us grade ourselves, and I said A and he said he thought it was B+ or A-, so I ended up with an A. My grade for the entire class... um, I dunno. I could get a C because he thinks of the grading differently, but last I checked I had a "B".
Friday, June 13, 2008
Fav dances and dancers
I managed to take some time out and watch SYTYCD on Wed and I really enjoyed it. There were two dances that particuarly stuck out for me. The first was a Mia Michaels routine danced by Chelsie H. & Mark. I am actually not a huge fan of Mark's but Chelsie and Mia are awesome and it was great. I just hope that Mark doesn't pull Chelsie H down. The other was hip hop routine choreographed by Tabitha & Napoleon and danced by Katee & Joshua. I loved the emotion and story behind the dance. Dances that have that are so moving. I haven't pick my favorite girl and favorite guy just yet. But I do have a few favorites right now. But I have fewer that I don't like. My least favorite guys are Gev and Mark right now. Least favorite girl would be Susie, right now... That all can change as the weeks go by. I definately felt that out of the bottom 3 on Thursday that the right couple went. I didn't think Rayven & Jamie dance was the worst of the night, but I wasn't feeling Jamie and out of the other couples in the bottom 3 I felt they were the ones to go. So I want to share my favorite dances for those of you who didn't catch it and want to see some awesome stuff. So the first one is the Mia Michaels one. It is supposed to be like what "Tim Burton's wedding" would be like. Two cooky people in love, at their wedding. It sounds kinda weird, but its good. The second is the hip hop with Katee and Joshua. The story is that Joshua is getting shipped out to war.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
drawing, grades, work
So today in drawing class the teacher gave us back all our work and we had little meetings with him where we could discuss our grades. While drawing draped fabric. I found our that I got C's on a couple drawings that I thought I did well on. But he says that a "C" means average, so that's how he grades. I guess I understand that, and I agree with it most of the "C"s I got. There are one or two that I though were at least "B"s. I did get some "B"s and lately I've gotten a couple "A"s. Overall I have a "B" in the class so far. So I am cool with that. And I love the fact that I've improved soo much. I'm going to take pictures of some of the drawings that I like and some where you can see how much I've improved. So, today was mixed for me. We only have one week left and a lot to do. I need to make up one homework. We got two new assignments for the weekend and I have to do a major final project. Plus I know we'll get homework next week as well. So this weekend is going to be killer.
Abe's self portrait
Self Portrait
So I have been super crazy busy with school. Next Thursday is the last day and our teacher has kept us insanely busy. We recently had to draw a self portrait. Abe and I misunderstood how he wanted us to do it, but we still got the top A's in the class. In fact the teacher said that if he could pick just one to get to gold star it would be mine! I was super happy. So here it is.

Thursday, June 5, 2008
My drawing
Abe's drawing
So this is a picture of a drawing my husband did in Tuesday's class. He is way more experienced in drawing than me, and he did great on this. I have my drawing of the same model and pose that I will post in a different blog. I didn't want to confuse anyone or make it seem like Abe's drawing was mine. The second picture is just a detailed image of the face. We had about 2 hours to draw this and it was on huge brown paper. Like from the ground it could reach my chest, and I'm tall. It was actually kind of nice to work large scale. We also had a requirement to use vine charcoal, pressed charcoal, white pastel, red-ish brown conte, and ink wash (ink mixed with water applied with a Japanese brush). The model had red-ish hair btw.

Travis Wall in Drag

So on tonight's SYTYCD Travis dressed up in drag and auditioned under a fake name. He danced to "It's Raining Men" It was so funny and awesome!! As soon as I find a video I am sooo posting it! I really didn't realize it was him under he was walking away. It was funny hearing the judges figuring it out during the performance. It was great. And again the show was great. Every audition show I cry, smile, laugh. Some people are so inspirational. I love this show. And I totally love Travis!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Presidental race
So looks like Obama won and Hilary's out. I was hoping Hilary could take back the lead, but I am not unhappy with Obama. I thought both were awesome, so i will gladly support Obama come November. However, when this race was in its starting stages I thought this would happen. I even wrote about it in another blog. I said that men whom were used to old white guys would put a black man in way faster than a woman. I don't think thats the only reason Obama won, I just think some older democrats may have voted based on gender. I also think that as this campaigne went on both showed some ugly sides at times, which made me double think which canidate I really wanted. But anywho, I think this has been a great presidental race. More people have been interested in politics and thats awesome. Hell, I've been more involved in this one than ever before. I think its been great for our country.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Mole
So The Mole is back on the air and it is great! The first episode was last night, and luckily I caught it. I honestly had no clue when it was going to start and just happened to be channel surfing. Soo, it is super hard to try to figure out the mole, just within the first episode I could find at least one reason every player could be the mole. I do have a complaint though. I just wasn't feeling the host. He just seemed more like a serious newcaster than a good host. But I think I can deal, because the show makes up for it. I am totally excited about seeing the next episode.
Monday, June 2, 2008
The egg
So here is the egg I had to draw with no lines. (this is a picture I took of the drawing). I got an A on it!! hurray! We had to vote on the best one and Abe and I tied for the best! And I also got called a goddess by the teacher because I did the other homework so well. He said i did the sumi ink and brush part better than anyone in the class! i just had a good day in drawing class. But I am pooped.
I am so F-ing tired, but now I get to do more homework. I had to get up early so that hopefully I will finish. I have to draw an egg with no lines... with one light on it making certain shadows. It will take a while because I will have to do a technique called graining, and that is a very slow process. That was one part of my previous torturous homework. Well off to attempt this and then to school. I pray that there is no homework tonight!!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Still going crazy
Well I am still working on my crazy homework. I am almost done with the first assignment, which was the crazy one. I still have one more that I'm not really looking forward to, but I won't be anywhere near as torturous and this first one. I don't have a ton of time, but I wanted to get in an update. Also I took some pictures of some of the exercises and stuff I've been working on. All of my major drawings I've done so far the teacher has. All of these are geature drawings. Some for 5 seconds. Some for 5 mins. And the first one is a 30 min one. It was the first time we used sumi ink on a drawing.
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