So here's the deal with my husband if you don't know much about him. I met him while I was staying with one of my sister's in Illinois. I got a part time job at walmart in fabrics and crafts thanks to my brother-in-law's mom. Abraham worked full time in the GM (General merchandise) backroom. He was a superviser over the unloading crew. I remember seeing him in the breakroom and I thought to myself that he was pretty hott. The first time we spoke I had some trash to throw away after putting up new frieght so on my way back to the sales floor he passed me and said, "I like your hair." He continued walking very quickly, so I didn't even have a chance to respond. But I was taken back and was like, "wow, a hott guy complimented me!" haha. So I wondered about him from time to time. I liked working in the backroom organizing the overstock and working old frieght because it was boring on the sales floor, plus I often got a chance to peek at Abe. He helped me with boxes a couples times and we had some very short converstions on occasition. Then we actually spend time talking about ourselves and stuff over a break. It was the first time I really found out much about him. Shortly after that he came and asked me if I wanted to go hangout with him and some of the guys from work at a poolhall. So I said sure. I was definately excited. I remember texting a friend, "OMG, a hot guy just asked me out." So I drove where he told me it was and since I never played pool, I just leaned on a wall. But I talked with everyone there a lot. I felt like Abe was definately flirting with me a lot. All in all I thought it was a good night. However, we didn't start dating and there were issues. The next week all the guys who were there asked me if I was going to go again, because it was a weekly thing for them. I told them that I didn't know, I was waiting on an invite from Abe. One of the guys openly liked me and tried to tell me that Abe wasn't that great of a guy and said that he invited another girl to go. So I definately wasn't going, but I was shocked. Abe was acting like he really liked me, but asked out another girl. He also told me that they were teasing Abe about liking me and he claimed that I wasn't his type, that I didn't have a nice enough body and etc. However to this day Abe denies ever saying that. He thinks that the guy just said that so I wouldn't like Abe. I don't know which is true, but it doesn't matter anymore. After that Abe starting asking me to go bowling and renting movies and hanging out. That went on for a while, and we were "just friends" hanging out all the time. Then, he was staying at my house one night and I asked him if he was ever going to ask me out; that we like each other and had been hanging out for months, come on already. And thats how we became a couple. Things weren't going well at my sisters however. I was working and going to school so I didn't have much time to work around the house and they weren't happy about that. So a couple months after Abe and I started going out I decided that I needed to move back home to Florida, because I had out stayed my welcome at my sisters. Abe and I decided to continue dating, and he said that he wanted to move to Florida when he got his AA degree. He drove down to Florida with me and loved it and it was hard for us to part. I flew there for a short trip after a while. But after a couple months he dumped me. He gave some weird reasons and I was devistated. I decided that I was going to fly up there and find out for sure it was over. Looking back on it it seems a little irrational, but it was worth it. We actually got back togther before I got there so they trip was like make up time. He said that he just couldn't stand being without me, it was too hard on him. But we toughed it out. He came down from Christmas and I went there for valentines day. He finally said the L work on V-day. And then he finally moved to Florida that summer. And the following spring we got married. We didn't have the money but didn't want to wait, so we had a court house wedding and decided we would have a big wedding for family and friends when we had the money. He really is a great guy and puts up with a lot of crap from me. I can tell that he truely loves me, and I feel like I am truely lucky to find one of the good guys.
He is also a full time student at USF. He is trying to get a masters in architecture. He also works a very hard job at a warehouse. He wants so badly to make all my dreams come true. I love him so very much.
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