I can't wait!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
HP half blood prince
So this trailer for the new HP movie came out, and I have to post it of course!! here it is...
It feels like its been forever
So I feel like its been forever since I wrote, even though its only been about 6 days. I guess its because a lot has been happening. First of all, I have watched last weeks so you think you can dance, but haven't had a chance to do my weekly review yet. And I have watched the wed epi for this week already, so I think I will do a joint post of both weeks. I also happened to catch big brother yesterday. I was a little behind since that was my first epi, but it reminded me how much I love that show. So I am going to start taping it. I am also taping project runway, which as been really awesome so far. So I have been crazy busy going to doctors and getting lab work done. And going and doing all the shopping a junk since Abe is still recovering. Tuesday was the first day in a while that I actually had some downtime, and it was nice. I took Abe to the doctor to get his packing and splints taken out of his nose. It was hard to watch, not because it grossed me out, but because he was in soo much pain. It was awful. However he seems to be doing better now that all that stuff is out. After that the funniest thing happened. We had to take paperwork to Abe's work for his medical leave. There was a meeting going on so we had 10 mins to kill. My dad works there, so I said lets find dad's car and give him a fake ticket or something. So we found it and he was parked pretty funky, so Abe said to write that he needed to stay in the lines or he'd get a coach, which is a like reprimand. So I found a piece of paper and wrote, "This is a WARNING, Lawrence. You must park inside the yellow line. If you do not you will get a coach." And I stuck it on his windshield. I didn't think he would think it was real, I mean it was just on a crappy piece of paper and not signed. Well he thought it was real!! He went in and got managers and they thought it might be real. And they were gonna check with all the other managers to see who wrote it and junk. The manager that went outside to check out the parking job told him, "its just a warning. just don't park like that again." ha ha! My dad was freaked because if he gets another coach he could be fired. When he came home Abe asked him how he liked the prank, and that's when he caught on, lol. He told us the story, and he laughed. He said he was gonna get us back though. But I thought that was so funny. I have a couple other posts I wanna make, but I don't have time right now. Hopefully I will get them up here super soon. oh here is a pic of Abe a couple days after surgery... poor baby!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Busy Busy Busy
So this has been a crazy week so far. The biggest is Abe's surgery. He had it Wednesday and it went great. However the effects after surgery suck! He feels awful. And is nose is huge and bloody. But I know it will all be worth it. I had to rush him home after because I had to be at a doctor visit and I couldn't miss it. So I felt really bad. Today I had another Dr. appointment and was there forever. Then I had to get prescriptions for Abe and shop. Then I forget stuff he needed for treatment and had to go out again plus get us dinner. I was running around for hours. And I wasn't done there because I had to nurse my hubby. Plus I have a lot of junk I'm trying to do myself. I haven't watched the SYTYCD results show yet, so my post on that will be later. Oh and I got GREAT news today!!! My scholarship that I lost in 2003 was given back to me!! And this time its 100% of tuition instead of 75%! I mean how flippin awesome is that! It really is true that if you are positive and believe good things will happen that they will! Hurray! Well I gotta fill out some paperwork and try to get some sleep. BTW, my sleeping schedule has been kinda stinky. I have been getting tired at night, sometimes midnight, often before that, like at 9pm or 10pm. But I'll wake up after 3 or 4 hours sleep and unable to fall back asleep until like 7am. I have stayed up all day after just 4 hrs of sleep, hoping the next night I would sleep all the way through, but noo, the same thing happens! Oh well. I guess my body wants to be awake at night! Okay, this time I am really going...
Friday, July 18, 2008
OMG! NO! Not Kherington!

I just can't believe it! I just can't! How in the world could Kherington go home. So she had a bad night. She has been awesome throughout the rest of the show. And other people... *cough cough* Comfort, have continually been not good enough. This just blows my mind. Ugh! But I must put that aside to talk about my favorite routines. My favorite was a broadway with Katee and Will. My 2nd Fav was a contemporary with Chelsie and Gev. Yeah, they mixed couples this week. So here they are.
So Gev was the guy who went home. Which, as you can see, he didn't deserve to. He did a great job this week. This was just an insane week. I really wish that the judges still had control for a little longer, because they so would not have let this happen. So I am still in shock! UGH!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Get smart
Abe and I went to the movies last night. It was great except for all the raining. I got a new umbrella from the Cirque store though =) We walked around Virgin until it was time for our movie. We saw Get Smart and it was really funny. I am a huge Steve Carrell fan and he totally was way funny in this one. Anne Hathoway was great too! So it was good for me. I and the audience laughed out loud many times throughout the movie.
CSI loses another!!!
So now Grissom is leaving the show, sometime midseason. He too said that he was a actor and needed to do other gigs. But he intends to keep working with the show as a producer and making appearances from time to time. I just can't believe so many amazing characters are leaving. I really feel like some stars just don't know when they have it good. I seriously don't see Jorja Fox breaking out as an A-list movie star anytime soon. She had a great thing going for her. I feel she should have road that train until it went no more. But they are trying to live their dream and wanted other things, so I guess I can't really blame them. A familar face (at least to me) will be joining the CSI team. Lauren Lee Smith, who played Lara on the Lword, will be one of the new CSIs. I think that she will be great at this show. I just am still in shock over losing so many characters!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
So what have I been doing? Well, I have been working on a few things. My parents are trying to do a major change, that at this time don't really want people to know about, so I will keep it secret. Its nothing bad or crazy, so quit jumping to weird ideas. But I have been going places with them to give them my opinions and such and helping them. And today.. well I guess yesterday I had to work my butt off!! I had to do some insane cleaning and I still didn't finish. I am pooped. Abe and I were trying to move to Tampa by the end of the summer, but then found out that the new home buyer grants for FL have been used up. And we were kinda counting on those. I guess my parents figured that we a given up hope for a year, but we still are going to try. We have been pre-approved for a mortgage, but Abe will have to stay at my parents on the weekends until he found a job in Tampa. So its a lot to consider. We haven't went touring houses yet, but I found a few that we liked. Most of what we can afford are fixer uppers, which I kinda like. Just as long as its livable. Otherwise it can't happen. So that been my main stress. I also have had another major thing on my mind, but I do not wish to disclose that now. But just know that if I seem like I am feeling blue or distracted that I have something I am trying to deal with. But anyway, that is whats been going on.
Last weeks SYTYCD
So my couple that was next in line to go home did, Comfort and Thayne. So I wasn't shocked. I was surprised that Kherington and Twitch were in the bottom. I just thought even though they didn't have the best night people liked them more than Courtney and Gev. I was very impressed by the solos this time. And now I am worried about who will go next. I have a feeling that unless Jess does some pretty amazing stuff she will go, but I have no clue which guy would go. I really don't want Jessica to leave yet either. Who knows, I'll find out in a few days. So my favorite routine was the Bollywood dance by Katee and Joshua. My second fave was... well I'm not sure. Either the contemporary one by Jessica and Will or The Broadway by Chelsie and Mark. I also was crazy impressed by the Krump by Kherington and Twitch. hmmm. Hard choices. There were quite a few routines that just were wow material. But I don't know if have one that I think was the worst. But here is the Bollywood.
And instead of posting my other faves, I'm posting the solos I liked because they grabbed me more. So here is Kherington. Which took me back to her audition. She is just amazing.
And finally Twitches was just too cool. He has such amazing musicality. It's insane.
And instead of posting my other faves, I'm posting the solos I liked because they grabbed me more. So here is Kherington. Which took me back to her audition. She is just amazing.
And finally Twitches was just too cool. He has such amazing musicality. It's insane.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
So Abe found out today that he has to have another surgery. This time for his nose. And he'll be outta work for 2 weeks. Since he won't have vacation time for a while, its gonna be crazy tight. But I want him to be able to breathe out of his nose!! I want him to be able to smell!! At least, I think I do. lol.
foot updates
So my crazy blister story keeps getting weirder. My mom drained it and it came back. And then two days ago it filled up with blood! I was totally freaked out, because I mean half my toe was bloody and puffy. Then yesterday as I was changing my band+aid a big chunk of my skin, from the blister tore off and stuck to the band+aid. I was really freaking out. It was totally gross!!! I went to the doctor yesterday and the doctor was just like, "your young, it will heal". I was there for a check up on the part of my toes she actually worked on. And hurray I'm not infected and I can get my feet wet again. my toes still look gross though, and it may take a while for them to look normal. And I can't get my pedicure until this damn open sore blister crap goes away. It is still all bloody looking, since only part of the blister riped off. ugh! I want my pedicure.
Monday, July 7, 2008
feeling blue
Well today everything seems to be going wrong. I just haven't had luck with some things I'm trying to do. Plus I have a bad headache and other annoying things have happened today. So yea, I am just not very happy right now. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th
Happy Independence day! Today I am not doing much of anything. I thought the family was going to have a cookout and go out on the boat but that isn't happening. I guess everyone had plans so we are having a cookout tomorrow. It's for the best anyway with my toe still messed up it would be a big risk to try to do any of that. Abe and I might just get the house to ourselves. So anywho, Happy 4th of July!
SYTYCD faves and goodbyes
So this week Jazz and Contemporary ruled the show for me. Mia Michaels and Many Moore are so awesome! They both had 2 different routines and they were all great. So I'll just get right into it. It was incredibly hard for me to pick my favorite. But I have picked Joshua and Katee's contemporary with Mia as my number 1. I couldn't pick a next favorite. Its a tie between Jessica and Will's Mandy Moore's Jazz and Kherington and Twitch's Mia Michaels contemporary. So since they are all soooo freakin good, I will post all 3. First up Joshua and Katee's:
Next is Jessica and Will:
And Finally Kherington and Twitch:
So as for the results show. Well I was right on who was going home. It was Kourtni and Matt, so I wasn't shocked and that made it much easier. And they weren't in my top 3 couples, so I guess I shouldn't be too upset. I did cry a little though. I just thought that they were soo good. I was kinda surprised that Courtney and Gev were in the bottom three, I thought Will and Jess might have been, even though they would not have deserved it. But I must say, out of all the solos Courtney and Gev's were the best. I was surprised and that helped me like them more. So they are growing on me. I predict that Comfort and Thayne will be the ones who go next week. My 4 favorite couples are Joshua and Katee, Jessica and Will, Kherington and Twitch, and Chelsea and Mark. If any of them go home I will be crushed. And I know eventually some of them will, but I don't want to think of that.
Next is Jessica and Will:
And Finally Kherington and Twitch:
So as for the results show. Well I was right on who was going home. It was Kourtni and Matt, so I wasn't shocked and that made it much easier. And they weren't in my top 3 couples, so I guess I shouldn't be too upset. I did cry a little though. I just thought that they were soo good. I was kinda surprised that Courtney and Gev were in the bottom three, I thought Will and Jess might have been, even though they would not have deserved it. But I must say, out of all the solos Courtney and Gev's were the best. I was surprised and that helped me like them more. So they are growing on me. I predict that Comfort and Thayne will be the ones who go next week. My 4 favorite couples are Joshua and Katee, Jessica and Will, Kherington and Twitch, and Chelsea and Mark. If any of them go home I will be crushed. And I know eventually some of them will, but I don't want to think of that.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
SYTYCD mixed feelings 7/2
So, I felt a little confused after watching the show. I felt the judges were harder on some routines that didn't deserve it and gave great crits on others that just weren't as good as they claimed. For instance, when Matt and Kourtni danced hip hop I was wowed. I mean for the past few weeks all they've been talking about is how Matt dances like he has something stuck up his butt, all high and mighty. But he was smooth and getting down into it. I thought it was a HUGE leap of progress for him. And not one judge said that. I was shocked!!! Yea, he didn't hit the pops hard, but it looked like it was suppose to be smooth to me. Was it my favorite routine, no, but did it deserve such harshness, no way. Vise versa, Joshua and Katee's last dance was a swing dance by Benji. And it was nothing like it should've been and they got rave reviews! I mean the first few dances Nigel and Napoleon were saying if they had to compare people's routines to professionals it was just awful, well so was Joshua and Katee, apart for a few moves. I mean when Benji would dance it was just so powerful. *Pow* kicks here and crazy fast feet there! Joshua and Katee danced it soo soft! I know how Benji moves, and how he would've wanted those moves and they just weren't up to par. I am a big big fan of Joshua and Katee, but I feel like the judges were judging based on who their favorites were. The couples they were hardest on were the couples who are always in the bottom. Also, Jessica and Will. I am a huge fan of them and often I think they are way to hard on Jessica. And tonight they were for sure. Their contemporary routine was amazing!!! I loved every bit of it, and still they said Jessica was pulling Will down. It is only making her self-esteem lower and that is whats holding her back. I hope that she breaks free of it, because her and Will are soo amazing! The couple I care least about is Courtney and Gev. They just don't pull me in. I think they are pretty good, but I have no connection to them. And the sad thing is that they won't be going home for at least 2 more weeks, but Instead couples I am more connected to will be going. And I can already tell by the judges comments that it will be either Kourtni and Matt or Comfort and Thayne. I am way more interested in them than Courtney and Gev. This is going to make these next couple Thursdays hard. But, there were a few super amazing routines that really left me happy and so much more. Mia Michaels is a freakin genius!!! But I'll get into my favs later. It's late and I don't know if the videos I want to add are up yet. But I wanted to make sure I got this out before I forgot the details. So I will post the videos of my favorites dances tomorrow, along with any new feelings about who goes home.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
whats the dealio, dealio...
What's the dealio? dealio? What, what's the deal? deal?
So, not much here. Still issues with my toe and showering. Fun times. I've basically been trying to chill at the house until this gets better. My husband has been home for his days off and it been great. This has been the first time in a long time when we both could relax together. Its been soo awesome.
Oh and I watched the mole. I can't believe the players refused to do that challenge. The mole was at work!! I don't know who the mole is, but I know who I think it's not.
So, not much here. Still issues with my toe and showering. Fun times. I've basically been trying to chill at the house until this gets better. My husband has been home for his days off and it been great. This has been the first time in a long time when we both could relax together. Its been soo awesome.
Oh and I watched the mole. I can't believe the players refused to do that challenge. The mole was at work!! I don't know who the mole is, but I know who I think it's not.
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