Friday, July 18, 2008

OMG! NO! Not Kherington!

I just can't believe it! I just can't! How in the world could Kherington go home. So she had a bad night. She has been awesome throughout the rest of the show. And other people... *cough cough* Comfort, have continually been not good enough. This just blows my mind. Ugh! But I must put that aside to talk about my favorite routines. My favorite was a broadway with Katee and Will. My 2nd Fav was a contemporary with Chelsie and Gev. Yeah, they mixed couples this week. So here they are.

So Gev was the guy who went home. Which, as you can see, he didn't deserve to. He did a great job this week. This was just an insane week. I really wish that the judges still had control for a little longer, because they so would not have let this happen. So I am still in shock! UGH!

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