Thursday, October 1, 2009

Word farts

So do you ever have someone say something to you and you are so taken back you speak before thinking and you say something that doesn't really fit. It doesn't have to be extreme, like saying something odd and personal, it just doesn't quite fit. Like tonight for example. I had to go to this visiting artist lecture and my ceramics teacher offered extra credit if you went. So she had to see you there. As I was walking down the stairs to leave, she said "See ya, Amy. Thanks for coming." I didn't know she was there and I didn't expect to be spoken to. So the only thing that stumbled out of my mouth was a quiet "thanks..." That really doesn't fit as a good response and I look like a really shy weirdo. And I have had worse word farts in my past. So then you sit there for at least 10 minutes beating yourself up, "why did I say that?," "That was lame!" etc. And sometimes, if it was really embarrassing its much harder to shake off. It will pop back into your mind hours or even days later, haunting you. Luckily mine tonight was small and I'm already over it. Gotta love word farts.

Almost a year

Wow. The last time I actually posted on this blog was almost a year ago. I guess I just got tired of writing that I was up to the same old crap. I'm still in school, and stil double majoring in studio art and psychology. I am in a ceramics class now and I am finding it extremely fun. It is difficult and time consuming, but I really enjoy working with clay. lately I haven't had any free time. I seem to always have a art project to work on and tests to study for. Usually I put all my other classes on the back burner for my art ones though. Anyway, instead of always blogging about whats happening with me, I could blog about other things, things that interest, shock, awe me. I dunno well see how it goes.

Friday, November 14, 2008

oooh, where did the time go

So yea, its been a long ass time since I've wrote on here. Craziness. School is still trying to kill me, but I think I can win. I am having an art show this Saturday. It should be awesome. I will have a couple prints in the show. Check it out!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

School is trying to kill me...

...or at least trying to make me age prematurely!! Seriously, all my tests and projects due at the same time is just too much. I kinda screwed up and wasted some time. Well I wouldn't say wasted. I had other things to get done (bills, errands, eatting, getting sick) and that put me behind schedule. So now I am a little worried!!! I gotta eat and get ready and get to Tampa ASAP!!! I over slept today and that makes it all even worse! ahh!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's been a while

So yea, it's been forever and a day since I last wrote. School has kept me crazy busy. This weekend and upcoming week will be the worst, but hopefully after that it won't be as bad for about a week. Today I am home sick. I have a female issue and it is no fun. I do have some homework I need to get done today as well as some cleaning. I am a little frustrated right now because Abe and I got into a fight this morning and I over heard my mom talking about me being a cry baby over the phone. She said it a little nicer, and I am not fully sure that is what she said, but it is what it sounded like. I just wish I was back to normal so that I didn't have to worry about that. Abe got mad at me over nothing major because he wasn't feeling well and that made me mad. And anyone who knows me, knows that when I'm mad I cuss. Well he takes major offense to cussing at him. I don't feel like its that bad and it just gets out my anger. So I don't feel like I need to try to change, but he wants me to. I don't even know if I can, its just habit. *sigh*
Other news... Abe almost cut off the tip of his finger. He had to go to the ER and can't work for a couple weeks while it heals. Crazy. Oh, I haven't wrote about this yet, however I've known for a little while now. We found out that his mom has breast cancer. It was a shock. They did a surgery on her already and now they want her to go through chemo and radiation. She seems in high spirits about it which is great. I am honestly a little surprised that this didn't worsen her depression.
As to my surgery, I am surviving. I have had quite a few bad days. I am moderately dehydrated and I can't seem to fix it. I am eating lots of salt, or at least I feel like I am. The only other thing is maybe I'm not getting enough fluids. But if I drink more then I am too full to ever eat. It is quite a tricky situation. I go to see my surgeon tomorrow for a check up. I am scared because I know he's gonna ask if I've been taking my supplements and I don't always because sometimes they hurt my stomach. They major one that I know he is concerned about is my multivitamin that I am supposed to take 3 times a day. I am in the process of finding one that works for me. I have Flintstones chewables because they are better than what I had, but I have a hard time taking 3 of those a day. As of yesterday I have lost 38lbs in just over a month. It will start slowing down quite a bit now. In fact it has started slowing already. I'm hoping in a couple months I will feel better and can start exercising.
School is school. Lots of homework and always keeping me busy. Next week I have 3 tests and a photo project due. The photo project is about memory. I am reprinting old family pictures with a little twist. Unfortunately my mom doesn't keep negatives, so I have to pay $4 a picture to have them converted into a negative. That takes a few days to do, so I will be in the lab all weekend. *sigh*

Friday, August 29, 2008

MGB update

BTW, it has been a little over 2 weeks since I've had the surgery and I've lost 24lbs. I think I'm eating too much salt (I have to sip sip sip, and eat salt salt salt) because I believe I'm retaining fluid. But I am happy that I am on my way. I am having some problems getting down all my pills and getting in my protein, because that shit tastes nasty!!!! It makes me sick to my stomach. But i am doing great for the most part.


My sister and brother-in-law are coming down Sunday. It will be nice to see them. They can see me while I'm still fat, and then the next time they see me they'll be shocked at how skinny I am!