So I feel like its been forever since I wrote, even though its only been about 6 days. I guess its because a lot has been happening. First of all, I have watched last weeks so you think you can dance, but haven't had a chance to do my weekly review yet. And I have watched the wed epi for this week already, so I think I will do a joint post of both weeks. I also happened to catch big brother yesterday. I was a little behind since that was my first epi, but it reminded me how much I love that show. So I am going to start taping it. I am also taping project runway, which as been really awesome so far. So I have been crazy busy going to doctors and getting lab work done. And going and doing all the shopping a junk since Abe is still recovering. Tuesday was the first day in a while that I actually had some downtime, and it was nice. I took Abe to the doctor to get his packing and splints taken out of his nose. It was hard to watch, not because it grossed me out, but because he was in soo much pain. It was awful. However he seems to be doing better now that all that stuff is out. After that the funniest thing happened. We had to take paperwork to Abe's work for his medical leave. There was a meeting going on so we had 10 mins to kill. My dad works there, so I said lets find dad's car and give him a fake ticket or something. So we found it and he was parked pretty funky, so Abe said to write that he needed to stay in the lines or he'd get a coach, which is a like reprimand. So I found a piece of paper and wrote, "This is a WARNING, Lawrence. You must park inside the yellow line. If you do not you will get a coach." And I stuck it on his windshield. I didn't think he would think it was real, I mean it was just on a crappy piece of paper and not signed. Well he thought it was real!! He went in and got managers and they thought it might be real. And they were gonna check with all the other managers to see who wrote it and junk. The manager that went outside to check out the parking job told him, "its just a warning. just don't park like that again." ha ha! My dad was freaked because if he gets another coach he could be fired. When he came home Abe asked him how he liked the prank, and that's when he caught on, lol. He told us the story, and he laughed. He said he was gonna get us back though. But I thought that was so funny. I have a couple other posts I wanna make, but I don't have time right now. Hopefully I will get them up here super soon. oh here is a pic of Abe a couple days after surgery... poor baby!!