Friday, August 29, 2008

Back 2 school

So school started on Monday. Fun fun! It was a lot of work to get Abe's and my schedules to work, but they did finally. I am taking: Research Methods in Psych, Biology for non majors, Intro to Art online, and Color photography. Let me tell you, I am pretty scared of color photo. First of all, everyone in there as had way more photo classes than me and they all know each other. I am like a inexperienced loser in there. But my teacher, who was my beginning photo teacher, thinks I'll do great. I have a project I have to shoot this weekend, that I have to use 2 cameras for, so I had to borrow his. And I can't figure out how to open it to load the film! I will feel like such a lamo asking! We also are eventually going to get into digital and photoshop, so that's exciting. I am just worried that I will have the lamest photos compared to everyone else. My other classes seem cool, so harder than others. I actually have quite a bit of homework to do this weekend. So the big new is that Abe's course load and other things (CLEP and GRE tests) are a bit overwhelming and if he has any shot getting accepted into the architecture program this year he'll have to quit his job. If he does we should get more aid, so that's good. And so we are pretty much gonna do it and move to Tampa. Because the best apartments are full we may have to wait a month to get in one. Other wise we can rent a much smaller, crapper apartment for the same price or more. We pretty much have one picked and were told that we could move in at the end of Sept. Its pretty exciting. Of course we will end up being the typical poor college student. But it will be worth it.

1 comment:

James said...

Woah, thats awesome so are u guys definately moving the end of Sept?